このように、「和製英語」とその元となる英単語の意味が異なることは多々ある。では次に、実際に使った場合、どのような誤解が生じるかを説明しよう。単に「(普通の)アパートに住んでいる」のつもりで「I live in a mansion」と言った場合、英語圏の相手には「大豪邸に住んでいる」と伝わってしまう。残念ですがこのように、伝えたいことが伝わらず、逆に信じてもらえなかったり、疑われたりするかもしれない。このような誤解を避けるためには、正しい英語を知って、適切な表現を使うことが重要だ。
We’re looking for a full-time native English teacher to join our team!
English School Ness is looking for an enthusiastic teacher to help us grow our school in Sapporo!
Working Conditions (hours, location, etc.)
English School Ness (or 英会話ネス) is located near to Nishi18chome Subway Station on the Tozai Subway Line in downtown Sapporo. It’s easily accessible from anywhere in Sapporo and only a 3-minute walk from the subway station.
The position is full-time, so 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, with two consecutive days off a week. The schedule is flexible but the teacher will be required to work some mornings and nights, as well as weekends.
Compensation / Welfare
The salary is 230,000-250,000 yen (depending on experience and Japanese level) a month with 10 days of annual leave a year. Also, there is an additional ¥500 per workday for travel expenses.
Responsibility / Duties
The role will be mostly teaching man-to-man lessons to adults for English conversation. There are some classes for children (4th grade and up) and small group lessons (up to 4 people) as well.
Other jobs include teacher scheduling, creating material, organizing, cleaning, and other things that help grow and run the school.
We’re a small school with only 6 teachers, so you’ll be a big part of a small team!
Requirements / Skills
– Teaching experience – University degree – Native English speaker – Conversational Japanese (preferably JLPT N3 or higher)
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Send your CV and cover letter to info@nessapporo.com For more details, ask us at info@nessapporo.com
We’re growing and are looking for native English teachers to join our team!
We’re expanding our business and need your help! We’re currently looking for a part-time English teacher to join our team. The school is located 3 minutes from Nishi18chome Station (Tozai Line), so is easily accessible from anywhere in Sapporo. The school is open from 9 am to 9 pm on weekdays and from 9 am to 5 pm on weekends. The school offers a variety of courses, but the lessons are mostly one-on-one general conversation classes for adults. Hours are flexible.
Requirements: Native speaker, Japanese working visa, live in Sapporo.
Type of person: Can hold a conversation, friendly, not technologically illiterate (can use a tablet, computer, etc)
Job start: Early July
Schedule: Flexible
Benefits: Flexible schedule, paid transport, paid lesson cancellations, a minimum daily payment, all materials provided, free drinks (inc. specialty coffee)
Location: 3-minute walk from Nishi18chome Station on the Tozai Line (Odori Nishi-21-chome)
Send your CV and cover letter to info@nessapporo.com For more details, ask us at info@nessapporo.com